Компания Услуги Оборудование Референции Контакты GamePrint Макеты
Дизайн, верстка, допечатная подготовка
© Kvadrát 97 Kft. 1997-2012  
Created by OZ+Coalition (Budapest) with Adobe & Xara technologies
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Newspapers, magazines, periodicals
Book design and typography
Creative design and production of unique, quality catalogues, brochures, leaflets, posters. Eye catching printing solutions: varnishes, film covers, embossing, form cutting etc.
Leaflets, flyers, brochures, catalogues, posters
Typography and pre-press editing conforming to production techniques. Binding design, cover graphics, image and illustration editing, DTP services..
Image processing, retouch, illustration editing
Digitalisation of photos, films, and other originals destined for print reproduction, colour correction and conversion into printable colour space (CMYK). Correction of picture blemishes, sizing and cropping.
Text proofing and editing
Technical supervision of finished publications, pictures and illustrations. Colour corrections, proof-prints, colour- proofing models, pre-press process, delivery of print-ready .PS or .PDF as specified by the printers.
Prepress and technical supervision
Proofing of publication texts, content, logical, grammar and style checking. Upon request, fact-checking (picture captions, geographics, names and references).
Процесс изготовления красивой книги, журнала, газеты, и даже простой на первый взгляд листовки состоит из нескольких, зависящих друг от друга этапов. Квалифицированная и опытная команда KvadratPrint наряду с изготовлением печатной продукции, при необходимости привлечет к процессу квалифицированных партнеров и возьмет на себя выполнение всех работ, связанных с проектированием, подготовкой текстов, редактированием изображений, контролем и подготовкой к печати. Для наших клиентов это значит не только усиленную профессиональную безопасность,  но также, как правило, и экономию затрат на производство.
Additional creative services
CREATIVE ILLUSTRATION Advanced photo editing, photo montages, modification, replacement or erasing of photo details. Aesthetic retouch. Photo compositions and creative backgrounds.
ADS, COUPONS, POS Creative design and production of advertisements in, or accompanying your publications. Coupons, cards and POS material and installations.
WEBDESIGN Design of the web presence of existing print products, or a customer contact website for the publisher itself. Producion of internet ads, animated banners.
Design, typography and DTP editing of periodicals. Full design (title and text design, editorial management), from scatch, or adhering to exact specifications. Upon request, multi- language proof reading is available.
Q-AGEING PROJECT (EU project brochure)
Services / Design
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